It works, but the problem is - positions are different. I tried to just copy the keyframes from the dope sheet of one bvh animation and paste it to another. Via these hacks, we gain access to Kinect's cameras (color and depth), LED, accelerometer and motor.
#Faceshift kinect Pc#
Programming for Kinect is even greater Browsing the web, you can find many cool 'hacks' (CLNUI, OpenKinect) which allow Kinect be used by a PC rather than an XBOX. Then if you want to add another bvh, you can’t load and retarget again, because it will reset the previous bvh action. Playing Kinect games is a really great experience. It’s like u’re taking the armature that is parented to the object, then pressing ‘load and retarget’ in the makewalk addon panel and the bvh is assigned to the armature + model.
#Faceshift kinect how to#
What I can’t do yet, is getting some information on how to combine various bvh files into one file. I’ve followed your link and found that this makehuman retargeting stuff can be really useful. And also fingers… Is it necessary to remove fingers? I do not expect to capture finger motion, but I was hoping to use blender pose libraries for hand poses, fist, loose hand, point finger and stuff… Otherwise how should I do this? I know I’ve got too much questions, but I need to capture motions really badly, if this s**t won’t work, I will need to buy some expensive device and it would really be a problem… Please help
Thank you very much Lobo Tommy!!! It’s ridiculous that I’ve got only 1 comment here regarding my issue… Still lots of problems and question marks, but at least saw a skeleton in Blender that kinda’ repeated my motions… In case you already made some motion capture with help of this particular video tutorial and also used the rig made by the guy from the video, did it work for u on an actual model? I mean, the process is really complex, like retargeting of the human meta rig to that rig and stuff… I’ve read comments and people complain about various issues… Like for example, if I have to match the rig to the rig created by this guy, then does it kinda mean that I have to create models based on that particular rig? Like, if I have the fat guy who’s really short, then how do I use that rig? …And the flipping to the Y axis (people say that it distorts everything and model and ).